i had thought about meetings i had as a child when doing my meeting between adult and child and mostly they were with friends and involved toys, this made me think of those classic toys with nostalgia, so i decided to do a meeting with childhood nostalgia. for people to come into the space a think of all those memories and maybe share it with friends.
i looked at the main toys that are universally used, like barbie, lego, brats and race cars
i decided on lego just because they are the most unisex, even though there are arguably more lego men then lego women. i would play with lego with with both my guy friends and girl friends. they are also very interactive and colourful.
i decided to use lego men as i thought they have a happy disposition and always make me smile, plus theres hundreds of different types. i thought by making them giant (aprox. half the size of the human) the would be easier to see and look at the details. by having 4 rows of 4 you would be able to see a sufficient amount of different types of lego men, i had to use the same for purely because i couldn't find others. all walls and floor are white so to make all the focal point to the lego men and for the people not to get too distracted by lots of colours.
when i was doing my sketch up i was thinking about the different ways or places i could put the different lego men and also the trouble of whether people would be able to walk around the men. i concluded that it would look better and be more efficient to put the hanging from the room with clear plastic string from there under arms. if i positioned them seemingly random with different lengths an angles( not in lines) then it would give a chance for people to see different angles and sides of the lego men.
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